#66 - Finding A Successful Niche In The Crowded Beauty Market with Colleen Carey
Discovering skincare and beauty at a young age, our guest knows the value of making sure your products you put in our bodies are as good as the ones you put on your body. I sat down with Colleen Carey, owner and CEO of SkinRX, to talk about how she’s used her research and knowledge of the beauty industry to carve out a unique niche in an otherwise crowded beauty market.
In this episode, you will learn:
- What’s unique about SkinRx and why
- The types of research Colleen did to carve out her product niche
- The types of marketing strategies and considerations SkinRx has to stand out
- Why transparency is key to selling any brand
Exclusive offer for the I Created That Podcast listeners: receive a 10% discount on Skin Rx products using code GLOW10 on your first order at the checkout.
Tune into this episode to learn more!
Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahjansel/
Follow Jansel & Co: https://www.instagram.com/janselandco/
Website: www.janselandco.com
Website: https://skin-rx.com/
Follow SkinRx: https://www.instagram.com/skin.rx.skincare/