#51 - How To Create Profitability In Your Business with Staci Millard

business coaching make money shopify
EP 51 of I Created That Podcast - How To Create Profitability In Your Business with Staci Millard


Any entrepreneur can build a business, but building a profitable one takes a little strategy and expertise. I sat down with Staci Millard, serial entrepreneur and CEO, to talk about why she’s so passionate about mentoring small businesses to avoid burnout, increase profit, and show them they can have it all. Staci also shares her journey of purchasing and running a Shopify business, Love Powered Co, where her mission is to empower and develop the future’s mindful leaders.

In this episode you will learn:
- Why Staci sold her 7 figure business to pursue her small business passion
- How Staci feels business owners can transition from hustle to profitable business
- Key behaviors and strategies successful business owners should emulate
- How her recent purchase of Love Powered Co fits into her life and overall vision

Tune into this episode to learn more!

Follow Sarah: https://www.instagram.com/sarahjansel/ 
Follow Jansel & Co: https://www.instagram.com/janselandco/ 
Website: www.janselandco.com

Follow Staci Milard: https://www.instagram.com/staci.millard/
Love Powered Co: https://www.lovepoweredco.ca   

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